I’ve worked on over 40 titles, from matchbox-sized party games to big-box games that you’ll struggle to find a shelf for!

If you want to know more, hire me, or anything else, please get in touch!

Want to listen to me babble about games? Grab a cup of tea and load up these interviews.

Read about some of my favourite indie games from Japan, and learn about how I translate. 

Hi! I’m Maisy Hatchard. Tea lover, language tinkerer, explorer.

I translate board games from Japanese to English.
I’ve worked on over 60 titles, big and small.

From Tokyo Sidekick to HacKClaD and Ham’s Sandwich Shop to Tateruto. Click to see everything I’ve worked on!

Want to get in touch?

Shoot me an email and I’ll get back to you asap. I’d love to hear from you if you’re wondering how to get your game translated, or if you are curious about anything I’ve worked on! 

Get to know what I do and who I am with these interviews!

I’ve been a guest on several podcasts and streams, talking about games, what it’s like to translate, and being excited about new releases. Come along if you like!

Read some of my blogs and reviews here.

If you’re interested in how I translate, what games I like, and Japanese indie creations, check some of my writing out.





